1st March 2025 Repair Café Ledbury
Sat 1st Mar, 2025 from 10:00am - 12:30pm
Advance Booking is Essential
We are offering a repair service for portable household items of a mechanical, electrical or ceramic nature, tool sharpening and simple sewing and clothing repairs. We can advise on repair options for wooden furniture, for items which you can transport to Ledbury Community Hall yourself.
- To control the number of people arriving together advance booking is essential. The first slot is from 10.00 to 10:30 and the last from 11:30 to 12 noon. We need to complete all repairs by 12:30, as we will need half an hour to clear and clean the hall.
- Sewing items: please book these into the earliest slot available as these often take time – eg a zip replacement may take an hour or more.
- Microwave Ovens: we can carry out limited repairs on these (eg replacing a lamp or broken turntable spigot) but we are not qualified to deal with problems with the microwave equipment within. We will carry out a leakage check before and after working on a microwave oven to ensure it is safe and we can check for leakage if you have concerns about your oven.
- Hygiene. Items should be cleaned as far as possible. Clothing items must be washed or dry-cleaned before you bring them to us.
- Please bring your item to the reception desk at the front of the hall. We will then allocate it to the most appropriate repairer inside the hall.
- There will be a café operating in the hall. You can wait here and enjoy tea, coffee and cake if you wish or you may leave and we will contact you by phone when your item is ready for collection. Provided the repairer also consents, you may sit with the repairer while the item is being examined and repaired.
- If you leave the hall please keep your mobile phone with you and switched on, as the repairer may need to speak to you about your item. After repair, or if your item cannot be repaired, we will ‘phone you, so you can collect it from the hall.
- Items must be collected by 12.30pm as we need to clear up the hall by 1pm.
- Repair Café Ledbury does not charge a fee, but donations towards running costs are gratefully accepted into our cash box!
Please select your preferred drop-off time in the form below.
- Select ‘1’ in your required time slot.
- Make sure your email address and phone number are correct.
- Enter a description of the item and the problem in the large ‘Comment’ box.
- Click on BOOK YOUR SELECTED TIME to send us your booking.
If your booking is accepted you will be sent an automatic confirmation email with the details of your booking. If you don’t see this within a few minutes it may have gone onto your spam folder Please check this for any errors (eg incorrect phone number) and let us know by replying to the email.
We can only accommodate one item and one time-slot booking per person at the moment (for sharpening jobs we can accept up to 2 items in one booking slot)
Bookings close at 11:59pm on Thursday 30th January or earlier if all the booking slots are taken. We are closing booking then so we have time available to ensure suitable materials are available for the booked repairs.
Thank you very much for supporting Repair Café Ledbury!
Book your timeslot
Before booking a slot we ask you to read our Terms and Conditions (Opens in a new tab). By clicking on the "BOOK YOUR SELECTED TIME" button you agree to abide by these Terms and Conditions.
35 slots are still available. For each of the time slots below we can accept a maximum of 1 item per person (2 items for sharpening jobs). N/A shows the time slot is fully booked. You can only choose one time slot. Don't forget to put a description of the item and the problem in the ‘Details of broken item’ box.