About Repair Café Ledbury
Repair Café Ledbury
At our repair sessions in Ledbury Community Hall we are able to provide tea, coffee and cake for our visitors while they wait. Over the two and a half hours of a session we are able to tackle around 40 jobs. We have an expanding team of needle workers with their sewing machines who are looking for simple sewing repairs and we can advise on repair options for wooden furniture, for items which you can transport to Ledbury Community Hall yourself.
Items must be booked in advance so that we can control numbers attending. It also helps us to know in advance what items we expect so we can bring appropriate tools etc.
The next Repair Café Ledbury is on Saturday 1st March from 10.00 to 12.30.
What our customers say
“Just wanted to say a massive thank you for repairing my DeLonghi Coffee Machine which I thought was beyond repair! What a great piece of cake and coffee whist I waited, and more importantly a what brilliant community repair service!”
“A big thank you for a lovely morning! I had a nice surprise meeting some old friends in the coffee shop….ex neighbours from pre 2009 so had a great reunion thrown in for free”
“What a fabulous job T. did in repairing and reviving my little wooden table. It looks better now than it did 30 years ago! Great to see sewing repairs back on the menu too, along with refreshments available for everyone attending.”
“I was absolutely delighted that you were able to repair my lamp and will certainly visit again and have recommended the cafe to all my friends in Hereford.”
“I took secateurs and loppers for sharpening. Cutting back was much easier afterwards. Organisation was efficient and it was interesting to see the variety of repairs undertaken.”
“Friendly and organised, impressive.”
“I think it is a brilliant idea with such knowledgeable volunteers. The new premises are great also. Congratulations to all involved in this wonderful service.”
“Thank you…..a great job done, microwave now working again and you even provided ‘after care’ service, returning the instruction book we left behind! Brilliant.”
“Great to find the repair café back in action with a simple and safe one way system, I took my Vax vacuum in for a re-wiring job and the repairer did a super quick job restoring this brilliant bit of kit to full working order. To replace it would have cost over £100. Well done all and thanks very much.”
“Everyone was so welcoming and the standard lamp, which belonged to my husband’s parents was returned like new. A really great job and so well organised. Thank you. ”
“Many thanks for your advice on replacement part needed for my phone charger. Just to let you know all is now working well. I am very grateful to you for this valuable service.”
“I would like to thank The Repair Café at Ledbury and particularly the gentleman who restored my late husband’s carriage clock. It has not stopped ticking since I collected it almost two weeks ago. Long may it carry on, as I do love the Repair Café.”
About Repair Café Ledbury
We have a team of repair experts who will be present at the Repair Café meetings. Our team members are handy with repairing:
- toys
- household goods
- tool sharpening
- electrical appliances
- electronic equipment
- garden tools (excluding those with petrol engines)
- furniture and other wooden objects
- clothing and other textile repairs.
We can normally only tackle repairs that can be completed in the hall in a reasonable time – typically half an hour. Some repairs require specialist equipment and expertise which are outside the scope of a Repair Café and, in these cases, we can advise on the best course of action.
Repair Cafés are local schemes that promote repair as an alternative to throwing things away. In Ledbury we are holding two and a half hour Repair Café meetings, usually on the first Saturday of every month, from 10.00am to 12.30pm in Ledbury Community Hall. Local residents can bring their broken household items for fixing by one of our volunteer repairers (advance booking essential). Repair Cafés do not charge a fee for repairs but all donations towards the cost of running the sessions will be gratefully accepted. Ledbury is now one of seven Repair Cafés operating in Herefordshire.
Some pictures from previous Repair Café sessions
If you would like to volunteer and help us run this community service please email admin@repaircafeledbury.org.uk.
We are looking forward to seeing you soon at Repair Café Ledbury.
Items that cannot be safely operated indoors, such as petrol mowers, chain saws or dirty or oily items, etc, cannot be accepted for repair. Please see our Terms and Conditions page for further details of how we operate. If you are not sure where Ledbury Community Hall is, here’s a map of central Ledbury to help.
The postcode is HR8 2AE and the What3Words location of the hall entrance is ///petted.aliens.offer
There is a Pay and Display carpark adjacent to the hall.
Find out more about Repair Cafés on the Repair Café International Foundation website.